@@ -0,0 +1,954 @@
+# Test Commands
+## Storage
+> dev:init dev:multihash dev:sync dev:upload dev:verify-bag-id help leader:cancel-invite leader:create-bucket leader:delete-bucket leader:invite-operator leader:remove-operator leader:set-bucket-limits leader:set-global-uploading-status leader:update-bag leader:update-bag-limit leader:update-blacklist leader:update-bucket-status leader:update-data-fee leader:update-dynamic-bag-policy leader:update-voucher-limits operator:accept-invitation operator:set-metadata server
+`for cmd in $(cat commands-storage.txt);do echo $cmd ; ~/joystream/storage-node-v2/bin/run $cmd --help ; done`
+### dev:init
+Initialize development environment. Sets Alice as storage working group leader.
+ $ storage-node dev:init
+ -h, --help show CLI help
+ -k, --keyFile=keyFile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
+ -m, --dev Use development mode
+ -p, --password=password Key file password (optional). Could be overriden by ACCOUNT_PWD
+ environment variable.
+ -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl [default: ws://localhost:9944] Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev
+ environment.
+ -y, --accountUri=accountUri Account URI (optional). Has a priority over the keyFile and password
+ flags. Could be overriden by ACCOUNT_URI environment variable.
+### dev:multihash
+Creates a multihash (blake3) for a file.
+ $ storage-node dev:multihash
+ -f, --file=file (required) Path for a hashing file.
+ -h, --help show CLI help
+### dev:sync
+Synchronizes the data - it fixes the differences between local data folder and worker ID obligations from the runtime.
+ $ storage-node dev:sync
+ -d, --uploads=uploads (required) Data uploading directory (absolute path).
+ -h, --help show CLI help
+ -o, --dataSourceOperatorUrl=dataSourceOperatorUrl [default: http://localhost:3333] Storage node url
+ base (e.g.: http://some.com:3333) to get data from.
+ -p, --syncWorkersNumber=syncWorkersNumber [default: 20] Sync workers number (max async
+ operations in progress).
+ -q, --queryNodeEndpoint=queryNodeEndpoint [default: http://localhost:8081/graphql] Query node
+ endpoint (e.g.: http://some.com:8081/graphql)
+ -t, --syncWorkersTimeout=syncWorkersTimeout [default: 30] Asset downloading timeout for the
+ syncronization (in minutes).
+ -w, --workerId=workerId (required) Storage node operator worker ID.
+### dev:upload
+Upload data object (development mode only).
+ $ storage-node dev:upload
+ -c, --cid=cid (required) Data object IPFS content ID.
+ -h, --help show CLI help
+ -k, --keyFile=keyFile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
+ -m, --dev Use development mode
+ -p, --password=password Key file password (optional). Could be overriden by ACCOUNT_PWD
+ environment variable.
+ -s, --size=size (required) Data object size.
+ -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl [default: ws://localhost:9944] Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev
+ environment.
+ -y, --accountUri=accountUri Account URI (optional). Has a priority over the keyFile and password
+ flags. Could be overriden by ACCOUNT_URI environment variable.
+### dev:verify-bag-id
+The command verifies bag id supported by the storage node. Requires chain connection.
+ $ storage-node dev:verify-bag-id
+ -h, --help
+ show CLI help
+ -i, --bagId=bagId
+ (required) Bag ID. Format: {bag_type}:{sub_type}:{id}.
+ - Bag types: 'static', 'dynamic'
+ - Sub types: 'static:council', 'static:wg', 'dynamic:member', 'dynamic:channel'
+ - Id:
+ - absent for 'static:council'
+ - working group name for 'static:wg'
+ - integer for 'dynamic:member' and 'dynamic:channel'
+ Examples:
+ - static:council
+ - static:wg:storage
+ - dynamic:member:4
+#### help
+Joystream storage subsystem.
+ storage-node-v2/2.0.0 linux-x64 node-v14.18.2
+ $ storage-node [COMMAND]
+ dev Development mode commands.
+ leader Storage working group leader commands.
+ operator Storage provider(operator) commands.
+ help display help for storage-node
+ server Starts the storage node server.
+### leader:cancel-invite
+Cancel a storage bucket operator invite. Requires storage working group leader permissions.
+ $ storage-node leader:cancel-invite
+ -h, --help show CLI help
+ -i, --bucketId=bucketId (required) Storage bucket ID
+ -k, --keyFile=keyFile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
+ -m, --dev Use development mode
+ -p, --password=password Key file password (optional). Could be overriden by ACCOUNT_PWD
+ environment variable.
+ -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl [default: ws://localhost:9944] Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev
+ environment.
+ -y, --accountUri=accountUri Account URI (optional). Has a priority over the keyFile and password
+ flags. Could be overriden by ACCOUNT_URI environment variable.
+### leader:create-bucket
+Create new storage bucket. Requires storage working group leader permissions.
+ $ storage-node leader:create-bucket
+ -a, --allow Accepts new bags
+ -h, --help show CLI help
+ -i, --invited=invited Invited storage operator ID (storage WG worker ID)
+ -k, --keyFile=keyFile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
+ -m, --dev Use development mode
+ -n, --number=number Storage bucket max total objects number
+ -p, --password=password Key file password (optional). Could be overriden by ACCOUNT_PWD
+ environment variable.
+ -s, --size=size Storage bucket max total objects size
+ -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl [default: ws://localhost:9944] Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev
+ environment.
+ -y, --accountUri=accountUri Account URI (optional). Has a priority over the keyFile and password
+ flags. Could be overriden by ACCOUNT_URI environment variable.
+### leader:delete-bucket
+Delete a storage bucket. Requires storage working group leader permissions.
+ $ storage-node leader:delete-bucket
+ -h, --help show CLI help
+ -i, --bucketId=bucketId (required) Storage bucket ID
+ -k, --keyFile=keyFile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
+ -m, --dev Use development mode
+ -p, --password=password Key file password (optional). Could be overriden by ACCOUNT_PWD
+ environment variable.
+ -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl [default: ws://localhost:9944] Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev
+ environment.
+ -y, --accountUri=accountUri Account URI (optional). Has a priority over the keyFile and password
+ flags. Could be overriden by ACCOUNT_URI environment variable.
+### leader:invite-operator
+Invite a storage bucket operator. Requires storage working group leader permissions.
+ $ storage-node leader:invite-operator
+ -h, --help show CLI help
+ -i, --bucketId=bucketId (required) Storage bucket ID
+ -k, --keyFile=keyFile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
+ -m, --dev Use development mode
+ -p, --password=password Key file password (optional). Could be overriden by ACCOUNT_PWD
+ environment variable.
+ -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl [default: ws://localhost:9944] Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev
+ environment.
+ -w, --operatorId=operatorId (required) Storage bucket operator ID (storage group worker ID)
+ -y, --accountUri=accountUri Account URI (optional). Has a priority over the keyFile and password
+ flags. Could be overriden by ACCOUNT_URI environment variable.
+### leader:remove-operator
+Remove a storage bucket operator. Requires storage working group leader permissions.
+ $ storage-node leader:remove-operator
+ -h, --help show CLI help
+ -i, --bucketId=bucketId (required) Storage bucket ID
+ -k, --keyFile=keyFile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
+ -m, --dev Use development mode
+ -p, --password=password Key file password (optional). Could be overriden by ACCOUNT_PWD
+ environment variable.
+ -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl [default: ws://localhost:9944] Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev
+ environment.
+ -y, --accountUri=accountUri Account URI (optional). Has a priority over the keyFile and password
+ flags. Could be overriden by ACCOUNT_URI environment variable.
+### leader:set-bucket-limits
+Set VoucherObjectsSizeLimit and VoucherObjectsNumberLimit for the storage bucket.
+ $ storage-node leader:set-bucket-limits
+ -h, --help show CLI help
+ -i, --bucketId=bucketId (required) Storage bucket ID
+ -k, --keyFile=keyFile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
+ -m, --dev Use development mode
+ -o, --objects=objects (required) New 'voucher object number limit' value
+ -p, --password=password Key file password (optional). Could be overriden by ACCOUNT_PWD
+ environment variable.
+ -s, --size=size (required) New 'voucher object size limit' value
+ -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl [default: ws://localhost:9944] Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev
+ environment.
+ -y, --accountUri=accountUri Account URI (optional). Has a priority over the keyFile and password
+ flags. Could be overriden by ACCOUNT_URI environment variable.
+### leader:set-global-uploading-status
+Set global uploading block. Requires storage working group leader permissions.
+ $ storage-node leader:set-global-uploading-status
+ -h, --help show CLI help
+ -k, --keyFile=keyFile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
+ -m, --dev Use development mode
+ -p, --password=password Key file password (optional). Could be overriden by ACCOUNT_PWD
+ environment variable.
+ -s, --set=(on|off) (required) Sets global uploading block (on/off).
+ -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl [default: ws://localhost:9944] Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev
+ environment.
+ -y, --accountUri=accountUri Account URI (optional). Has a priority over the keyFile and password
+ flags. Could be overriden by ACCOUNT_URI environment variable.
+### leader:update-bag
+Add/remove a storage bucket from a bag (adds by default).
+ $ storage-node leader:update-bag
+ -a, --add=add
+ [default: ] ID of a bucket to add to bag
+ -h, --help
+ show CLI help
+ -i, --bagId=bagId
+ (required) Bag ID. Format: {bag_type}:{sub_type}:{id}.
+ - Bag types: 'static', 'dynamic'
+ - Sub types: 'static:council', 'static:wg', 'dynamic:member', 'dynamic:channel'
+ - Id:
+ - absent for 'static:council'
+ - working group name for 'static:wg'
+ - integer for 'dynamic:member' and 'dynamic:channel'
+ Examples:
+ - static:council
+ - static:wg:storage
+ - dynamic:member:4
+ -k, --keyFile=keyFile
+ Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
+ -m, --dev
+ Use development mode
+ -p, --password=password
+ Key file password (optional). Could be overriden by ACCOUNT_PWD environment variable.
+ -r, --remove=remove
+ [default: ] ID of a bucket to remove from bag
+ -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl
+ [default: ws://localhost:9944] Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
+ -y, --accountUri=accountUri
+ Account URI (optional). Has a priority over the keyFile and password flags. Could be overriden by
+ ACCOUNT_URI environment variable.
+### leader:update-bag-limit
+Update StorageBucketsPerBagLimit variable in the Joystream node storage.
+ $ storage-node leader:update-bag-limit
+ -h, --help show CLI help
+ -k, --keyFile=keyFile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
+ -l, --limit=limit (required) New StorageBucketsPerBagLimit value
+ -m, --dev Use development mode
+ -p, --password=password Key file password (optional). Could be overriden by ACCOUNT_PWD
+ environment variable.
+ -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl [default: ws://localhost:9944] Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev
+ environment.
+ -y, --accountUri=accountUri Account URI (optional). Has a priority over the keyFile and password
+ flags. Could be overriden by ACCOUNT_URI environment variable.
+### leader:update-blacklist
+Add/remove a content ID from the blacklist (adds by default).
+ $ storage-node leader:update-blacklist
+ -a, --add=add [default: ] Content ID to add
+ -h, --help show CLI help
+ -k, --keyFile=keyFile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
+ -m, --dev Use development mode
+ -p, --password=password Key file password (optional). Could be overriden by ACCOUNT_PWD
+ environment variable.
+ -r, --remove=remove [default: ] Content ID to remove
+ -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl [default: ws://localhost:9944] Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev
+ environment.
+ -y, --accountUri=accountUri Account URI (optional). Has a priority over the keyFile and password
+ flags. Could be overriden by ACCOUNT_URI environment variable.
+### leader:update-bucket-status
+Update storage bucket status (accepting new bags).
+ $ storage-node leader:update-bucket-status
+ -h, --help show CLI help
+ -i, --bucketId=bucketId (required) Storage bucket ID
+ -k, --keyFile=keyFile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
+ -m, --dev Use development mode
+ -p, --password=password Key file password (optional). Could be overriden by ACCOUNT_PWD
+ environment variable.
+ -s, --set=(on|off) (required) Sets 'accepting new bags' parameter for the bucket (on/off).
+ -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl [default: ws://localhost:9944] Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev
+ environment.
+ -y, --accountUri=accountUri Account URI (optional). Has a priority over the keyFile and password
+ flags. Could be overriden by ACCOUNT_URI environment variable.
+### leader:update-data-fee
+Update data size fee. Requires storage working group leader permissions.
+ $ storage-node leader:update-data-fee
+ -f, --fee=fee (required) New data size fee
+ -h, --help show CLI help
+ -k, --keyFile=keyFile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
+ -m, --dev Use development mode
+ -p, --password=password Key file password (optional). Could be overriden by ACCOUNT_PWD
+ environment variable.
+ -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl [default: ws://localhost:9944] Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev
+ environment.
+ -y, --accountUri=accountUri Account URI (optional). Has a priority over the keyFile and password
+ flags. Could be overriden by ACCOUNT_URI environment variable.
+### leader:update-dynamic-bag-policy
+Update number of storage buckets used in the dynamic bag creation policy.
+ $ storage-node leader:update-dynamic-bag-policy
+ -h, --help show CLI help
+ -k, --keyFile=keyFile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
+ -m, --dev Use development mode
+ -n, --number=number (required) New storage buckets number
+ -p, --password=password Key file password (optional). Could be overriden by ACCOUNT_PWD
+ environment variable.
+ -t, --bagType=(Channel|Member) (required) Dynamic bag type (Channel, Member).
+ -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl [default: ws://localhost:9944] Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev
+ environment.
+ -y, --accountUri=accountUri Account URI (optional). Has a priority over the keyFile and password
+ flags. Could be overriden by ACCOUNT_URI environment variable.
+### leader:update-voucher-limits
+Update VoucherMaxObjectsSizeLimit and VoucherMaxObjectsNumberLimit for the Joystream node storage.
+ $ storage-node leader:update-voucher-limits
+ -h, --help show CLI help
+ -k, --keyFile=keyFile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
+ -m, --dev Use development mode
+ -o, --objects=objects (required) New 'max voucher object number limit' value
+ -p, --password=password Key file password (optional). Could be overriden by ACCOUNT_PWD
+ environment variable.
+ -s, --size=size (required) New 'max voucher object size limit' value
+ -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl [default: ws://localhost:9944] Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev
+ environment.
+ -y, --accountUri=accountUri Account URI (optional). Has a priority over the keyFile and password
+ flags. Could be overriden by ACCOUNT_URI environment variable.
+### operator:accept-invitation
+Accept pending storage bucket invitation.
+ $ storage-node operator:accept-invitation
+ -h, --help show CLI help
+ -i, --bucketId=bucketId (required) Storage bucket ID
+ -k, --keyFile=keyFile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev
+ environment.
+ -m, --dev Use development mode
+ -p, --password=password Key file password (optional). Could be overriden by
+ ACCOUNT_PWD environment variable.
+ -t, --transactorAccountId=transactorAccountId (required) Transactor account ID (public key)
+ -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl [default: ws://localhost:9944] Runtime API URL.
+ Mandatory in non-dev environment.
+ -w, --workerId=workerId (required) Storage operator worker ID
+ -y, --accountUri=accountUri Account URI (optional). Has a priority over the keyFile
+ and password flags. Could be overriden by ACCOUNT_URI
+ environment variable.
+### operator:set-metadata
+Set metadata for the storage bucket.
+ $ storage-node operator:set-metadata
+ -e, --endpoint=endpoint Root distribution node endpoint
+ -h, --help show CLI help
+ -i, --bucketId=bucketId (required) Storage bucket ID
+ -j, --jsonFile=jsonFile Path to JSON metadata file
+ -k, --keyFile=keyFile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
+ -m, --dev Use development mode
+ -p, --password=password Key file password (optional). Could be overriden by ACCOUNT_PWD
+ environment variable.
+ -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl [default: ws://localhost:9944] Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev
+ environment.
+ -w, --operatorId=operatorId (required) Storage bucket operator ID (storage group worker ID)
+ -y, --accountUri=accountUri Account URI (optional). Has a priority over the keyFile and password
+ flags. Could be overriden by ACCOUNT_URI environment variable.
+### server
+Starts the storage node server.
+ $ storage-node server
+ -d, --uploads=uploads (required) Data uploading directory (absolute path).
+ -e, --elasticSearchEndpoint=elasticSearchEndpoint Elasticsearch endpoint (e.g.: http://some.com:8081).
+ Log level could be set using the ELASTIC_LOG_LEVEL
+ enviroment variable.
+ Supported values: warn, error, debug, info.
+ Default:debug
+ -h, --help show CLI help
+ -i, --syncInterval=syncInterval [default: 1] Interval between synchronizations (in
+ minutes)
+ -k, --keyFile=keyFile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev
+ environment.
+ -m, --dev Use development mode
+ -o, --port=port (required) Server port.
+ -p, --password=password Key file password (optional). Could be overriden by
+ ACCOUNT_PWD environment variable.
+ -q, --queryNodeEndpoint=queryNodeEndpoint (required) [default: http://localhost:8081/graphql]
+ Query node endpoint (e.g.:
+ http://some.com:8081/graphql)
+ -r, --syncWorkersNumber=syncWorkersNumber [default: 20] Sync workers number (max async
+ operations in progress).
+ -s, --sync Enable data synchronization.
+ -t, --syncWorkersTimeout=syncWorkersTimeout [default: 30] Asset downloading timeout for the
+ syncronization (in minutes).
+ -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl [default: ws://localhost:9944] Runtime API URL.
+ Mandatory in non-dev environment.
+ -w, --worker=worker (required) Storage provider worker ID
+ -y, --accountUri=accountUri Account URI (optional). Has a priority over the
+ keyFile and password flags. Could be overriden by
+ ACCOUNT_URI environment variable.
+## Distributor
+> start help dev:init dev:batchUpload operator:accept-invitation operator:set-metadata node:set-buckets node:set-worker node:shutdown node:start-public-api node:stop-public-api leader:cancel-invitation leader:create-bucket leader:create-bucket-family leader:delete-bucket leader:delete-bucket-family leader:invite-bucket-operator leader:remove-bucket-operator leader:set-bucket-family-metadata leader:set-buckets-per-bag-limit leader:update-bag leader:update-bucket-mode leader:update-bucket-status leader:update-dynamic-bag-policy
+`for cmd in $(cat commands-distributor.txt);do echo $cmd ; ~/joystream/storage-node-v2/bin/run $cmd --help ; done`
+### start
+> › Error: command start not found
+### help
+Joystream storage subsystem.
+ storage-node-v2/2.0.0 linux-x64 node-v14.18.2
+ $ storage-node [COMMAND]
+ dev Development mode commands.
+ leader Storage working group leader commands.
+ operator Storage provider(operator) commands.
+ help display help for storage-node
+ server Starts the storage node server.
+### dev:init
+Initialize development environment. Sets Alice as storage working group leader.
+ $ storage-node dev:init
+ -h, --help show CLI help
+ -k, --keyFile=keyFile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
+ -m, --dev Use development mode
+ -p, --password=password Key file password (optional). Could be overriden by ACCOUNT_PWD
+ environment variable.
+ -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl [default: ws://localhost:9944] Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev
+ environment.
+ -y, --accountUri=accountUri Account URI (optional). Has a priority over the keyFile and password
+ flags. Could be overriden by ACCOUNT_URI environment variable.
+### dev:batchUpload
+> › Error: command dev:batchUpload not found
+### operator:accept-invitation
+Accept pending storage bucket invitation.
+ $ storage-node operator:accept-invitation
+ -h, --help show CLI help
+ -i, --bucketId=bucketId (required) Storage bucket ID
+ -k, --keyFile=keyFile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev
+ environment.
+ -m, --dev Use development mode
+ -p, --password=password Key file password (optional). Could be overriden by
+ ACCOUNT_PWD environment variable.
+ -t, --transactorAccountId=transactorAccountId (required) Transactor account ID (public key)
+ -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl [default: ws://localhost:9944] Runtime API URL.
+ Mandatory in non-dev environment.
+ -w, --workerId=workerId (required) Storage operator worker ID
+ -y, --accountUri=accountUri Account URI (optional). Has a priority over the keyFile
+ and password flags. Could be overriden by ACCOUNT_URI
+ environment variable.
+### operator:set-metadata
+Set metadata for the storage bucket.
+ $ storage-node operator:set-metadata
+ -e, --endpoint=endpoint Root distribution node endpoint
+ -h, --help show CLI help
+ -i, --bucketId=bucketId (required) Storage bucket ID
+ -j, --jsonFile=jsonFile Path to JSON metadata file
+ -k, --keyFile=keyFile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
+ -m, --dev Use development mode
+ -p, --password=password Key file password (optional). Could be overriden by ACCOUNT_PWD
+ environment variable.
+ -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl [default: ws://localhost:9944] Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev
+ environment.
+ -w, --operatorId=operatorId (required) Storage bucket operator ID (storage group worker ID)
+ -y, --accountUri=accountUri Account URI (optional). Has a priority over the keyFile and password
+ flags. Could be overriden by ACCOUNT_URI environment variable.
+### node:set-buckets
+> › Error: command node:set-buckets not found
+### node:set-worker
+> › Error: command node:set-worker not found
+### node:shutdown
+> › Error: command node:shutdown not found
+### node:start-public-api
+> › Error: command node:start-public-api not found
+## node:stop-public-api
+> › Error: command node:stop-public-api not found
+## leader:cancel-invitation
+> › Error: command leader:cancel-invitation not found
+## leader:create-bucket
+Create new storage bucket. Requires storage working group leader permissions.
+ $ storage-node leader:create-bucket
+ -a, --allow Accepts new bags
+ -h, --help show CLI help
+ -i, --invited=invited Invited storage operator ID (storage WG worker ID)
+ -k, --keyFile=keyFile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
+ -m, --dev Use development mode
+ -n, --number=number Storage bucket max total objects number
+ -p, --password=password Key file password (optional). Could be overriden by ACCOUNT_PWD
+ environment variable.
+ -s, --size=size Storage bucket max total objects size
+ -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl [default: ws://localhost:9944] Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev
+ environment.
+ -y, --accountUri=accountUri Account URI (optional). Has a priority over the keyFile and password
+ flags. Could be overriden by ACCOUNT_URI environment variable.
+### leader:create-bucket-family
+> › Error: command leader:create-bucket-family not found
+### leader:delete-bucket
+Delete a storage bucket. Requires storage working group leader permissions.
+ $ storage-node leader:delete-bucket
+ -h, --help show CLI help
+ -i, --bucketId=bucketId (required) Storage bucket ID
+ -k, --keyFile=keyFile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
+ -m, --dev Use development mode
+ -p, --password=password Key file password (optional). Could be overriden by ACCOUNT_PWD
+ environment variable.
+ -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl [default: ws://localhost:9944] Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev
+ environment.
+ -y, --accountUri=accountUri Account URI (optional). Has a priority over the keyFile and password
+ flags. Could be overriden by ACCOUNT_URI environment variable.
+### leader:delete-bucket-family
+> › Error: command leader:delete-bucket-family not found
+### leader:invite-bucket-operator
+> › Error: command leader:invite-bucket-operator not found
+### leader:remove-bucket-operator
+> › Error: command leader:remove-bucket-operator not found
+### leader:set-bucket-family-metadata
+> › Error: command leader:set-bucket-family-metadata not found
+### leader:set-buckets-per-bag-limit
+> › Error: command leader:set-buckets-per-bag-limit not found
+### leader:update-bag
+Add/remove a storage bucket from a bag (adds by default).
+ $ storage-node leader:update-bag
+ -a, --add=add
+ [default: ] ID of a bucket to add to bag
+ -h, --help
+ show CLI help
+ -i, --bagId=bagId
+ (required) Bag ID. Format: {bag_type}:{sub_type}:{id}.
+ - Bag types: 'static', 'dynamic'
+ - Sub types: 'static:council', 'static:wg', 'dynamic:member', 'dynamic:channel'
+ - Id:
+ - absent for 'static:council'
+ - working group name for 'static:wg'
+ - integer for 'dynamic:member' and 'dynamic:channel'
+ Examples:
+ - static:council
+ - static:wg:storage
+ - dynamic:member:4
+ -k, --keyFile=keyFile
+ Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
+ -m, --dev
+ Use development mode
+ -p, --password=password
+ Key file password (optional). Could be overriden by ACCOUNT_PWD environment variable.
+ -r, --remove=remove
+ [default: ] ID of a bucket to remove from bag
+ -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl
+ [default: ws://localhost:9944] Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
+ -y, --accountUri=accountUri
+ Account URI (optional). Has a priority over the keyFile and password flags. Could be overriden by
+ ACCOUNT_URI environment variable.
+### leader:update-bucket-mode
+> › Error: command leader:update-bucket-mode not found
+### leader:update-bucket-status
+Update storage bucket status (accepting new bags).
+ $ storage-node leader:update-bucket-status
+ -h, --help show CLI help
+ -i, --bucketId=bucketId (required) Storage bucket ID
+ -k, --keyFile=keyFile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
+ -m, --dev Use development mode
+ -p, --password=password Key file password (optional). Could be overriden by ACCOUNT_PWD
+ environment variable.
+ -s, --set=(on|off) (required) Sets 'accepting new bags' parameter for the bucket (on/off).
+ -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl [default: ws://localhost:9944] Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev
+ environment.
+ -y, --accountUri=accountUri Account URI (optional). Has a priority over the keyFile and password
+ flags. Could be overriden by ACCOUNT_URI environment variable.
+### leader:update-dynamic-bag-policy
+Update number of storage buckets used in the dynamic bag creation policy.
+ $ storage-node leader:update-dynamic-bag-policy
+ -h, --help show CLI help
+ -k, --keyFile=keyFile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
+ -m, --dev Use development mode
+ -n, --number=number (required) New storage buckets number
+ -p, --password=password Key file password (optional). Could be overriden by ACCOUNT_PWD
+ environment variable.
+ -t, --bagType=(Channel|Member) (required) Dynamic bag type (Channel, Member).
+ -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl [default: ws://localhost:9944] Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev
+ environment.
+ -y, --accountUri=accountUri Account URI (optional). Has a priority over the keyFile and password
+ flags. Could be overriden by ACCOUNT_URI environment variable.