1.4 KB

Getting Started

After cloning the repo, run:

$ cd atlas
$ yarn install
$ yarn start

To start the app on localhost:1234, Storybook on localhost:6006 and the bundler in watch mode.

To build the app for distribution, run:

$ yarn build

To run tests (Currently WIP) run:

$ yarn test


This repo is managed with yarn workspaces

To run a command in a workspace:


For example, to add react-spring to atlas-app:

$ yarn workspace atlas-app add react-spring

App package

The app package is located under ./packages/app and is where the actual Atlas application lives. Business logic, full pages and data fetching should all reside here.

Shared folder

Historically, Atlas codebase was split between two packages - app and @joystream/components. Due to build process and developer experience issues it was decided to merge those packages into one until the separation is actually needed. Hence the shared directory under app/src. This folder is what used to be @joystream/components and it's intended to be application-agnostic. That means no Atlas-specific logic (like routing) should be put there, only atomic UI components.

Deploy Previews

Each PR has deploy previews for both for Storybook and for the App on Chromia and Netlify respectively.