@@ -1,151 +1,497 @@
-import { debounce } from 'lodash'
-import React, { useEffect, useRef, useState } from 'react'
+import { debounce, round } from 'lodash'
+import React, { useCallback, useEffect, useRef, useState } from 'react'
+import { VideoFieldsFragment } from '@/api/queries'
import { usePersonalDataStore } from '@/providers'
-import { SvgOutlineVideo } from '@/shared/icons'
+import {
+ SvgPlayerFullScreen,
+ SvgPlayerPause,
+ SvgPlayerPip,
+ SvgPlayerPipDisable,
+ SvgPlayerPlay,
+ SvgPlayerRestart,
+ SvgPlayerSmallScreen,
+ SvgPlayerSoundHalf,
+ SvgPlayerSoundOn,
+} from '@/shared/icons'
import { Logger } from '@/utils/logger'
+import { formatDurationShort } from '@/utils/time'
-import { Container, PlayOverlay } from './VideoPlayer.style'
+import { ControlsIndicator } from './ControlsIndicator'
+import { CustomTimeline } from './CustomTimeline'
+import { PlayerControlButton } from './PlayerControlButton'
+import { VideoOverlay } from './VideoOverlay'
+import {
+ BigPlayButton,
+ BigPlayButtonOverlay,
+ Container,
+ ControlsOverlay,
+ CurrentTime,
+ CurrentTimeWrapper,
+ CustomControls,
+ ScreenControls,
+ StyledSvgPlayerSoundOff,
+ VolumeButton,
+ VolumeControl,
+ VolumeSlider,
+ VolumeSliderContainer,
+} from './VideoPlayer.style'
+import { CustomVideojsEvents, VOLUME_STEP, hotkeysHandler } from './utils'
import { VideoJsConfig, useVideoJsPlayer } from './videoJsPlayer'
export type VideoPlayerProps = {
+ nextVideo?: VideoFieldsFragment | null
className?: string
autoplay?: boolean
isInBackground?: boolean
playing?: boolean
+ channelId?: string
+ videoId?: string
} & VideoJsConfig
+declare global {
+ interface Document {
+ pictureInPictureEnabled: boolean
+ pictureInPictureElement: Element
+ }
+const isPiPSupported = 'pictureInPictureEnabled' in document
+export type PlayerState = 'loading' | 'ended' | 'error' | 'playing' | null
const VideoPlayerComponent: React.ForwardRefRenderFunction<HTMLVideoElement, VideoPlayerProps> = (
- { className, autoplay, isInBackground, playing, ...videoJsConfig },
+ { className, isInBackground, playing, nextVideo, channelId, videoId, autoplay, ...videoJsConfig },
) => {
const [player, playerRef] = useVideoJsPlayer(videoJsConfig)
+ const currentVolume = usePersonalDataStore((state) => state.currentVolume)
+ const cachedVolume = usePersonalDataStore((state) => state.cachedVolume)
+ const setCurrentVolume = usePersonalDataStore((state) => state.actions.setCurrentVolume)
+ const setCachedVolume = usePersonalDataStore((state) => state.actions.setCachedVolume)
+ const [volumeToSave, setVolumeToSave] = useState(0)
+ const [isPlaying, setIsPlaying] = useState(false)
+ const [videoTime, setVideoTime] = useState(0)
+ const [isFullScreen, setIsFullScreen] = useState(false)
+ const [isPiPEnabled, setIsPiPEnabled] = useState(false)
+ const [playerState, setPlayerState] = useState<PlayerState>(null)
+ const [isLoaded, setIsLoaded] = useState(false)
+ // handle hotkeys
+ useEffect(() => {
+ if (!player || isInBackground) {
+ return
+ }
- const playerVolume = usePersonalDataStore((state) => state.playerVolume)
- const updatePlayerVolume = usePersonalDataStore((state) => state.actions.updatePlayerVolume)
+ const handler = (event: KeyboardEvent) => {
+ if (
+ (document.activeElement?.tagName === 'BUTTON' && event.key === ' ') ||
+ document.activeElement?.tagName === 'INPUT'
+ ) {
+ return
+ }
- const [playOverlayVisible, setPlayOverlayVisible] = useState(true)
- const [initialized, setInitialized] = useState(false)
+ const playerReservedKeys = ['k', ' ', 'ArrowLeft', 'ArrowRight', 'j', 'l', 'ArrowUp', 'ArrowDown', 'm', 'f']
+ if (playerReservedKeys.includes(event.key)) {
+ event.preventDefault()
+ hotkeysHandler(event, player)
+ }
+ }
+ document.addEventListener('keydown', handler)
- const displayPlayOverlay = playOverlayVisible && !isInBackground
+ return () => document.removeEventListener('keydown', handler)
+ }, [isInBackground, player])
+ // handle error
useEffect(() => {
if (!player) {
+ const handler = () => {
+ setPlayerState('error')
+ }
+ player.on('error', handler)
+ return () => {
+ player.off('error', handler)
+ }
+ })
+ const playVideo = useCallback(() => {
+ if (!player) {
+ return
+ }
+ player.trigger(CustomVideojsEvents.PlayControl)
+ const playPromise = player.play()
+ if (playPromise) {
+ playPromise.catch((e) => {
+ if (e.name === 'NotAllowedError') {
+ Logger.warn('Video play failed:', e)
+ } else {
+ Logger.error('Video play failed:', e)
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ }, [player])
+ // handle video loading
+ useEffect(() => {
+ if (!player) {
+ return
+ }
+ const handler = (event: Event) => {
+ if (event.type === 'waiting') {
+ setPlayerState('loading')
+ }
+ if (event.type === 'canplay') {
+ if (playerState !== null) {
+ setPlayerState('playing')
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ player.on(['waiting', 'canplay'], handler)
+ return () => {
+ player.off(['waiting', 'canplay'], handler)
+ }
+ }, [player, playerState])
+ useEffect(() => {
+ if (!player) {
+ return
+ }
const handler = () => {
- setInitialized(true)
+ setPlayerState('ended')
+ player.on('ended', handler)
+ return () => {
+ player.off('ended', handler)
+ }
+ }, [nextVideo, player])
+ // handle loadstart
+ useEffect(() => {
+ if (!player) {
+ return
+ }
+ const handler = () => {
+ setIsLoaded(true)
+ }
player.on('loadstart', handler)
return () => {
player.off('loadstart', handler)
}, [player])
+ // handle autoplay
useEffect(() => {
- if (!player || !initialized || !autoplay) {
+ if (!player || !isLoaded || !autoplay) {
const playPromise = player.play()
if (playPromise) {
playPromise.catch((e) => {
Logger.warn('Autoplay failed:', e)
- }, [player, initialized, autoplay])
+ }, [player, isLoaded, autoplay])
+ // handle playing and pausing from outside the component
useEffect(() => {
if (!player) {
+ if (playing) {
+ playVideo()
+ } else {
+ player.pause()
+ }
+ }, [playVideo, player, playing])
- if (playing != null) {
- if (playing) {
- const playPromise = player.play()
- if (playPromise) {
- playPromise.catch((e) => {
- if (e.name === 'NotAllowedError') {
- Logger.warn('Video play failed:', e)
- } else {
- Logger.error('Video play failed:', e)
- }
- })
+ // handle playing and pausing
+ useEffect(() => {
+ if (!player) {
+ return
+ }
+ const handler = (event: Event) => {
+ if (event.type === 'play') {
+ setIsPlaying(true)
+ if (playerState !== 'loading') {
+ setPlayerState('playing')
- } else {
- player.pause()
+ }
+ if (event.type === 'pause') {
+ setIsPlaying(false)
- }, [player, playing])
+ player.on(['play', 'pause'], handler)
+ return () => {
+ player.off(['play', 'pause'], handler)
+ }
+ }, [player, playerState])
useEffect(() => {
- if (!player) {
+ if (!externalRef) {
+ if (typeof externalRef === 'function') {
+ externalRef(playerRef.current)
+ } else {
+ externalRef.current = playerRef.current
+ }
+ }, [externalRef, playerRef])
+ // handle video timer
+ useEffect(() => {
+ if (!player) {
+ return
+ }
const handler = () => {
- setPlayOverlayVisible(false)
+ const currentTime = round(player.currentTime())
+ setVideoTime(currentTime)
+ player.on('timeupdate', handler)
+ return () => {
+ player.off('timeupdate', handler)
+ }
+ }, [player])
- player.on('play', handler)
+ // handle seeking
+ useEffect(() => {
+ if (!player) {
+ return
+ }
+ const handler = () => {
+ if (playerState === 'ended') {
+ player.play()
+ }
+ }
+ player.on('seeking', handler)
+ return () => {
+ player.off('seeking', handler)
+ }
+ }, [player, playerState])
+ // handle fullscreen mode
+ useEffect(() => {
+ if (!player) {
+ return
+ }
+ const handler = () => setIsFullScreen(player.isFullscreen())
+ player.on('fullscreenchange', handler)
return () => {
- player.off('play', handler)
+ player.off('fullscreenchange', handler)
}, [player])
+ // handle picture in picture
useEffect(() => {
- if (!externalRef) {
+ if (!player) {
- if (typeof externalRef === 'function') {
- externalRef(playerRef.current)
- } else {
- externalRef.current = playerRef.current
+ const handler = (event: Event) => {
+ if (event.type === 'enterpictureinpicture') {
+ setIsPiPEnabled(true)
+ }
+ if (event.type === 'leavepictureinpicture') {
+ setIsPiPEnabled(false)
+ }
- }, [externalRef, playerRef])
+ player.on(['enterpictureinpicture', 'leavepictureinpicture'], handler)
+ return () => {
+ player.off(['enterpictureinpicture', 'leavepictureinpicture'], handler)
+ }
+ }, [player])
- const handlePlayOverlayClick = () => {
+ // update volume on keyboard input
+ useEffect(() => {
if (!player) {
- player.play()
- }
+ const events = [
+ CustomVideojsEvents.VolumeIncrease,
+ CustomVideojsEvents.VolumeDecrease,
+ CustomVideojsEvents.Muted,
+ CustomVideojsEvents.Unmuted,
+ ]
+ const handler = (event: Event) => {
+ if (event.type === CustomVideojsEvents.Muted) {
+ if (currentVolume) {
+ setCachedVolume(currentVolume)
+ }
+ setCurrentVolume(0)
+ return
+ }
+ if (event.type === CustomVideojsEvents.Unmuted) {
+ setCurrentVolume(cachedVolume || VOLUME_STEP)
+ return
+ }
+ if (event.type === CustomVideojsEvents.VolumeIncrease || CustomVideojsEvents.VolumeDecrease) {
+ setCurrentVolume(player.volume())
+ }
+ }
+ player.on(events, handler)
+ return () => {
+ player.off(events, handler)
+ }
+ }, [currentVolume, player, cachedVolume, setCachedVolume, setCurrentVolume])
const debouncedVolumeChange = useRef(
debounce((volume: number) => {
- updatePlayerVolume(volume)
- }, 500)
+ setVolumeToSave(volume)
+ }, 125)
- const isInitialMount = useRef(true)
+ // update volume on mouse input
useEffect(() => {
- if (!player || !isInitialMount) {
+ if (!player || isInBackground) {
- isInitialMount.current = false
+ player?.volume(currentVolume)
- player.volume(playerVolume)
+ debouncedVolumeChange.current(currentVolume)
+ if (currentVolume) {
+ player.muted(false)
+ } else {
+ if (volumeToSave) {
+ setCachedVolume(volumeToSave)
+ }
+ player.muted(true)
+ }
+ }, [currentVolume, volumeToSave, isInBackground, player, setCachedVolume])
- const handleVolumeChange = () => debouncedVolumeChange.current(player.volume())
- player.on('volumechange', handleVolumeChange)
- return () => {
- player.off('volumechange', handleVolumeChange)
+ // button/input handlers
+ const handlePlayPause = () => {
+ if (isPlaying) {
+ player?.pause()
+ player?.trigger(CustomVideojsEvents.PauseControl)
+ } else {
+ playVideo()
+ }
+ }
+ const handleChangeVolume = (event: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => {
+ setCurrentVolume(Number(event.target.value))
+ }
+ const handleMute = (event: React.MouseEvent) => {
+ event.stopPropagation()
+ if (currentVolume === 0) {
+ setCurrentVolume(cachedVolume || 0.05)
+ } else {
+ setCurrentVolume(0)
- }, [player, playerVolume])
+ }
+ const handlePictureInPicture = () => {
+ if (document.pictureInPictureElement) {
+ // @ts-ignore @types/video.js is outdated and doesn't provide types for some newer video.js features
+ player.exitPictureInPicture()
+ } else {
+ if (document.pictureInPictureEnabled) {
+ // @ts-ignore @types/video.js is outdated and doesn't provide types for some newer video.js features
+ player.requestPictureInPicture().catch((e) => {
+ Logger.warn('Picture in picture failed:', e)
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ const handleFullScreen = () => {
+ if (player?.isFullscreen()) {
+ player?.exitFullscreen()
+ } else {
+ player?.requestFullscreen()
+ }
+ }
+ const renderVolumeButton = () => {
+ if (currentVolume === 0) {
+ return <StyledSvgPlayerSoundOff />
+ } else {
+ return currentVolume <= 0.5 ? <SvgPlayerSoundHalf /> : <SvgPlayerSoundOn />
+ }
+ }
+ const showBigPlayButton = playerState === null && !isInBackground
+ const showPlayerControls = !isInBackground && isLoaded && playerState
return (
- <Container className={className} isInBackground={isInBackground}>
- {displayPlayOverlay && (
- <PlayOverlay onClick={handlePlayOverlayClick}>
- <SvgOutlineVideo width={72} height={72} viewBox="0 0 24 24" />
- </PlayOverlay>
- )}
+ <Container isFullScreen={isFullScreen} className={className} isInBackground={isInBackground}>
<div data-vjs-player>
- <video ref={playerRef} className="video-js" />
+ {showBigPlayButton && (
+ <BigPlayButtonOverlay onClick={handlePlayPause}>
+ <BigPlayButton onClick={handlePlayPause}>
+ <SvgPlayerPlay />
+ </BigPlayButton>
+ </BigPlayButtonOverlay>
+ )}
+ <video
+ ref={playerRef}
+ className="video-js"
+ onClick={() =>
+ player?.paused()
+ ? player?.trigger(CustomVideojsEvents.PauseControl)
+ : player?.trigger(CustomVideojsEvents.PlayControl)
+ }
+ />
+ {showPlayerControls && (
+ <>
+ <ControlsOverlay isFullScreen={isFullScreen}>
+ <CustomTimeline player={player} isFullScreen={isFullScreen} playerState={playerState} />
+ <CustomControls isFullScreen={isFullScreen} isEnded={playerState === 'ended'}>
+ <PlayerControlButton
+ onClick={handlePlayPause}
+ tooltipText={isPlaying ? 'Pause (k)' : 'Play (k)'}
+ tooltipPosition="left"
+ >
+ {playerState === 'ended' ? <SvgPlayerRestart /> : isPlaying ? <SvgPlayerPause /> : <SvgPlayerPlay />}
+ </PlayerControlButton>
+ <VolumeControl>
+ <VolumeButton tooltipText="Volume" showTooltipOnlyOnFocus onClick={handleMute}>
+ {renderVolumeButton()}
+ </VolumeButton>
+ <VolumeSliderContainer>
+ <VolumeSlider
+ step={0.01}
+ max={1}
+ min={0}
+ value={currentVolume}
+ onChange={handleChangeVolume}
+ type="range"
+ />
+ </VolumeSliderContainer>
+ </VolumeControl>
+ <CurrentTimeWrapper>
+ <CurrentTime variant="body2">
+ {formatDurationShort(videoTime)} / {formatDurationShort(round(player?.duration() || 0))}
+ </CurrentTime>
+ </CurrentTimeWrapper>
+ <ScreenControls>
+ {isPiPSupported && (
+ <PlayerControlButton onClick={handlePictureInPicture} tooltipText="Picture-in-picture">
+ {isPiPEnabled ? <SvgPlayerPipDisable /> : <SvgPlayerPip />}
+ </PlayerControlButton>
+ )}
+ <PlayerControlButton
+ tooltipPosition="right"
+ tooltipText={isFullScreen ? 'Exit full screen (f)' : 'Full screen (f)'}
+ onClick={handleFullScreen}
+ >
+ {isFullScreen ? <SvgPlayerSmallScreen /> : <SvgPlayerFullScreen />}
+ </PlayerControlButton>
+ </ScreenControls>
+ </CustomControls>
+ </ControlsOverlay>
+ <VideoOverlay
+ videoId={videoId}
+ playerState={playerState}
+ onPlay={handlePlayPause}
+ channelId={channelId}
+ currentThumbnailUrl={videoJsConfig.posterUrl}
+ />
+ </>
+ )}
+ {!isInBackground && <ControlsIndicator player={player} />}