@@ -1,24 +1,36 @@
-import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react'
+import { subMonths } from 'date-fns'
+import React, { useEffect, useMemo, useRef, useState } from 'react'
import { useParams } from 'react-router-dom'
-import { useChannel, useFollowChannel, useUnfollowChannel, useVideosConnection } from '@/api/hooks'
-import { VideoOrderByInput } from '@/api/queries'
+import {
+ useChannel,
+ useChannelVideoCount,
+ useFollowChannel,
+ useUnfollowChannel,
+ useVideosConnection,
+} from '@/api/hooks'
+import { AssetAvailability, SearchQuery, VideoOrderByInput, useSearchLazyQuery } from '@/api/queries'
import { LimitedWidthContainer, VideoTile, ViewWrapper } from '@/components'
import { SORT_OPTIONS } from '@/config/sorting'
import { AssetType, useAsset, useDialog, usePersonalDataStore } from '@/providers'
-import { ChannelCover, Grid, Pagination, Select, Tabs, Text } from '@/shared/components'
-import { SvgGlyphCheck, SvgGlyphPlus } from '@/shared/icons'
+import { ChannelCover, Grid, Pagination, Select, Text } from '@/shared/components'
+import { SvgGlyphCheck, SvgGlyphPlus, SvgGlyphSearch } from '@/shared/icons'
import { transitions } from '@/shared/theme'
import { Logger } from '@/utils/logger'
import { formatNumberShort } from '@/utils/number'
import { ChannelAbout } from './ChannelAbout'
import {
+ DialogAccentText,
+ SearchButton,
+ SearchContainer,
+ StyledTabs,
+ StyledTextField,
@@ -29,6 +41,7 @@ import {
} from './ChannelView.style'
+const DATE_ONE_MONTH_PAST = subMonths(new Date(), 1)
const TABS = ['Videos', 'Information'] as const
const INITIAL_FIRST = 50
@@ -37,6 +50,19 @@ export const ChannelView: React.FC = () => {
const [openUnfollowDialog, closeUnfollowDialog] = useDialog()
const { id } = useParams()
const { channel, loading, error } = useChannel(id)
+ const {
+ searchVideos,
+ handleSearchInputKeyPress,
+ loadingSearch,
+ isSearchInputOpen,
+ setIsSearchingInputOpen,
+ searchQuery,
+ setSearchQuery,
+ isSearching,
+ setIsSearching,
+ searchInputRef,
+ errorSearch,
+ } = useSearchVideos({ id })
const { followChannel } = useFollowChannel()
const { unfollowChannel } = useUnfollowChannel()
const followedChannels = usePersonalDataStore((state) => state.followedChannels)
@@ -50,7 +76,7 @@ export const ChannelView: React.FC = () => {
entity: channel,
assetType: AssetType.COVER,
- const { currentPage, setCurrentPage } = usePagination(0)
+ const { currentPage, setCurrentPage, currentSearchPage, setCurrentSearchPage } = usePagination(0)
const { edges, totalCount, loading: loadingVideos, error: videosError, refetch } = useVideosConnection(
@@ -62,6 +88,7 @@ export const ChannelView: React.FC = () => {
{ notifyOnNetworkStatusChange: true, fetchPolicy: 'cache-and-network' }
+ const { videoCount: videosLastMonth } = useChannelVideoCount(id, DATE_ONE_MONTH_PAST)
useEffect(() => {
const isFollowing = followedChannels.some((channel) => channel.id === id)
@@ -71,27 +98,27 @@ export const ChannelView: React.FC = () => {
try {
if (isFollowing) {
- variant: 'info',
+ variant: 'error',
exitButton: false,
- description: `Do you want to unfollow ${channel?.title}?`,
- primaryButton: {
- text: 'Unfollow',
- textOnly: true,
- variant: 'destructive-secondary',
- onClick: () => {
- updateChannelFollowing(id, false)
- unfollowChannel(id)
- setFollowing(false)
- closeUnfollowDialog()
- },
+ error: true,
+ title: 'Would you consider staying?',
+ description: (
+ <>
+ {channel?.title} released <DialogAccentText>{videosLastMonth} new videos </DialogAccentText>
+ this month.
+ <br /> Cancel to follow for more fresh content!
+ </>
+ ),
+ primaryButtonText: 'Unfollow',
+ onPrimaryButtonClick: () => {
+ updateChannelFollowing(id, false)
+ unfollowChannel(id)
+ setFollowing(false)
+ closeUnfollowDialog()
- secondaryButton: {
- text: 'Cancel',
- textOnly: true,
- variant: 'secondary',
- onClick: () => {
- closeUnfollowDialog()
- },
+ secondaryButtonText: 'Keep following',
+ onSecondaryButtonClick: () => {
+ closeUnfollowDialog()
} else {
@@ -107,9 +134,20 @@ export const ChannelView: React.FC = () => {
throw videosError
} else if (error) {
throw error
+ } else if (errorSearch) {
+ throw errorSearch
- const handleSorting = (value?: VideoOrderByInput | null | undefined) => {
+ const handleSetCurrentTab = async (tab: number) => {
+ if (TABS[tab] === 'Videos' && isSearching) {
+ setIsSearchingInputOpen(false)
+ searchInputRef.current?.blur()
+ setSearchQuery('')
+ }
+ setIsSearching(false)
+ setCurrentVideosTab(tab)
+ }
+ const handleSorting = (value?: VideoOrderByInput | null) => {
if (value) {
refetch({ orderBy: value })
@@ -117,24 +155,25 @@ export const ChannelView: React.FC = () => {
const handleOnResizeGrid = (sizes: number[]) => setVideosPerRow(sizes.length)
const handleChangePage = (page: number) => {
- setCurrentPage(page)
- }
- const handleSetCurrentTab = async (tab: number) => {
- setCurrentVideosTab(tab)
+ isSearching ? setCurrentSearchPage(page) : setCurrentPage(page)
const videosPerPage = ROWS_AMOUNT * videosPerRow
- const videos = edges
- ?.map((edge) => edge.node)
- .slice(currentPage * videosPerPage, currentPage * videosPerPage + videosPerPage)
+ const videos = (isSearching ? searchVideos : edges?.map((edge) => edge.node)) ?? []
+ const paginatedVideos = isSearching
+ ? videos.slice(currentSearchPage * videosPerPage, currentSearchPage * videosPerPage + videosPerPage)
+ : videos.slice(currentPage * videosPerPage, currentPage * videosPerPage + videosPerPage)
const placeholderItems = Array.from(
- { length: loadingVideos ? videosPerPage - (videos ? videos.length : 0) : 0 },
+ { length: loadingVideos || loadingSearch ? videosPerPage - (paginatedVideos ? paginatedVideos.length : 0) : 0 },
() => ({
id: undefined,
progress: undefined,
- const videosWithPlaceholders = [...(videos || []), ...placeholderItems]
+ const videosWithPlaceholders = [...(paginatedVideos || []), ...placeholderItems]
const mappedTabs = TABS.map((tab) => ({ name: tab, badgeNumber: 0 }))
const TabContent = () => {
@@ -152,9 +191,9 @@ export const ChannelView: React.FC = () => {
- page={currentPage}
+ page={isSearching ? currentSearchPage : currentPage}
- totalCount={totalCount}
+ totalCount={isSearching ? searchVideos?.length : totalCount}
@@ -198,8 +237,36 @@ export const ChannelView: React.FC = () => {
- <Tabs initialIndex={0} tabs={mappedTabs} onSelectTab={handleSetCurrentTab} />
+ <StyledTabs
+ selected={isSearching ? -1 : undefined}
+ initialIndex={0}
+ tabs={mappedTabs}
+ onSelectTab={handleSetCurrentTab}
+ />
{currentTabName === 'Videos' && (
+ <SearchContainer>
+ <StyledTextField
+ ref={searchInputRef}
+ isOpen={isSearchInputOpen}
+ value={searchQuery}
+ onChange={(e) => setSearchQuery(e.target.value)}
+ onKeyDown={handleSearchInputKeyPress}
+ placeholder="Search"
+ type="search"
+ helperText={null}
+ />
+ <SearchButton
+ onClick={() => {
+ setIsSearchingInputOpen(true)
+ searchInputRef.current?.focus()
+ }}
+ variant="tertiary"
+ >
+ <SvgGlyphSearch />
+ </SearchButton>
+ </SearchContainer>
+ )}
+ {currentTabName === 'Videos' && !isSearching && (
<Text variant="body2">Sort by</Text>
<Select helperText={null} value={sortVideosBy} items={SORT_OPTIONS} onChange={handleSorting} />
@@ -214,9 +281,79 @@ export const ChannelView: React.FC = () => {
const usePagination = (currentTab: number) => {
const [currentPage, setCurrentPage] = useState(0)
+ const [currentSearchPage, setCurrentSearchPage] = useState(0)
// reset the pagination when changing tabs
useEffect(() => {
+ setCurrentSearchPage(0)
}, [currentTab])
- return { currentPage, setCurrentPage }
+ return { currentPage, setCurrentPage, currentSearchPage, setCurrentSearchPage }
+const getVideosFromSearch = (loading: boolean, data: SearchQuery['search'] | undefined) => {
+ if (loading || !data) {
+ return { channels: [], videos: [] }
+ }
+ const searchVideos = data.flatMap((result) => (result.item.__typename === 'Video' ? [result.item] : []))
+ return { searchVideos }
+type UseSearchVideosParams = {
+ id: string
+const useSearchVideos = ({ id }: UseSearchVideosParams) => {
+ const [isSearchInputOpen, setIsSearchingInputOpen] = useState(false)
+ const [searchQuery, setSearchQuery] = useState('')
+ const [isSearching, setIsSearching] = useState(false)
+ const [searchVideo, { loading: loadingSearch, data: searchData, error: errorSearch }] = useSearchLazyQuery()
+ const searchInputRef = useRef<HTMLInputElement>(null)
+ const handleSearchInputKeyPress = (event: React.KeyboardEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => {
+ if (event.key === 'Enter' || event.key === 'NumpadEnter') {
+ if (searchQuery.trim() === '') {
+ setSearchQuery('')
+ setIsSearching(false)
+ } else {
+ search()
+ setIsSearching(true)
+ }
+ }
+ if (event.key === 'Escape' || event.key === 'Esc') {
+ setIsSearchingInputOpen(false)
+ searchInputRef.current?.blur()
+ setSearchQuery('')
+ }
+ }
+ const search = () => {
+ searchVideo({
+ variables: {
+ text: searchQuery,
+ whereVideo: {
+ isPublic_eq: true,
+ mediaAvailability_eq: AssetAvailability.Accepted,
+ thumbnailPhotoAvailability_eq: AssetAvailability.Accepted,
+ channelId_eq: id,
+ },
+ limit: 100,
+ },
+ })
+ }
+ const { searchVideos } = useMemo(() => getVideosFromSearch(loadingSearch, searchData?.search), [
+ loadingSearch,
+ searchData,
+ ])
+ return {
+ searchVideos,
+ search,
+ loadingSearch,
+ isSearchInputOpen,
+ setIsSearchingInputOpen,
+ searchQuery,
+ setSearchQuery,
+ isSearching,
+ setIsSearching,
+ searchInputRef,
+ errorSearch,
+ handleSearchInputKeyPress,
+ }