@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+import { create } from "@storybook/theming/create";
+/* Can't import the theme directly here because it is written in TS.
+Any workaround?
+import { colors } from "../src/theme";
+export default create({
+ base: "dark",
+ colorPrimary: "#4038FF",
+ colorSecondary: "deepskyblue",
+ // UI
+ appBg: "black",
+ appContentBg: "#272D33",
+ inputBg: "black",
+ appBorderColor: "#424E57",
+ appBorderRadius: 4,
+ // Typography
+ fontBase: '"Open Sans", sans-serif',
+ fontCode: "monospace",
+ // Text colors
+ textColor: "#DAE2EB",
+ textInverseColor: "rgba(255,255,255,0.9)",
+ // Toolbar default and active colors
+ barBg: "#272D33",
+ barTextColor: "#7B8A95",
+ barSelectedColor: "white",
+ // Form colors
+ inputBg: "white",
+ inputBorder: "#272D33",
+ inputTextColor: "white",
+ inputBorderRadius: 4,
+ brandTitle: "@joystream/components",
+ brandUrl: "https://joystream.org",
+ brandImage:
+ "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Joystream/design/master/logo/logo/PNG/Logo-horisontal-basic-white-1x.png",