# Joystream Whitepaper See `paper.pdf` in repo, or click this [LINK](https://github.com/Joystream/whitepaper/blob/master/paper.pdf) ## Build The `algorithm` style is required by the paper. On Ubuntu based distributions, it's part of the `texlive-science` package. ```bash $ pdflatex paper.tex && bibtex paper.aux && pdflatex paper.tex && pdflatex paper.tex ``` Or, more simply, install the `latexmk` package and run: ```bash $ latexmk ``` ## Contributing Open a PR. Always include the compiled PDF in the PR, as it should be kept up-to-date with the source file(s). ## View OS X: ```bash $ open paper.pdf ``` Linux (most distributions): ```bash $ xdg-open paper.pdf ``` ## License See LICENSE file.