@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
+import React from "react";
import "bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css";
import "./index.css";
-import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";
import { Modals, Routes, Loading, Footer, Status } from "./components";
import * as get from "./lib/getters";
@@ -20,248 +19,150 @@ import {
- getTotalStake,
+ // getTotalStake,
} from "./lib/validators";
+import {
+ getCountForValidators,
+ getTotalMinted,
+ getTotalStake
+} from './lib/validation';
import { apiLocation, wsLocation, historyDepth } from "./config";
import { initialState } from "./state";
import axios from "axios";
-import { useElectedCouncils } from '@/hooks';
-import { ElectedCouncil } from "@/types";
// types
-// import { Api, IState } from "./types";
+import { Api, IState } from "./types";
// import { types } from "@joystream/types";
import { ApiPromise, WsProvider } from "@polkadot/api";
import { Header } from "@polkadot/types/interfaces";
-const App = (props: {}) => {
- const [stars, setStars] = useState(initialState.stars);
- const [editKpi, setEditKpi] = useState(initialState.editKpi);
- const [showStatus, setShowStatus] = useState(initialState.showStatus);
- const [hideFooter, setHideFooter] = useState(initialState.hideFooter);
- const [members, setMembers] = useState(initialState.members);
- const [connected, setConnected] = useState(initialState.connected);
- const [fetching, setFetching] = useState(initialState.fetching);
- const [status, setStatus] = useState(initialState.status);
- const [assets, setAssets] = useState(initialState.assets);
- const [providers, setProviders] = useState(initialState.providers);
- const [councils, setCouncils] = useState(initialState.councils);
- const [council, setCouncil] = useState<ElectedCouncil | undefined>(undefined);
- const [election, setElection] = useState(initialState.election);
- const [workers, setWorkers] = useState([]);
- const [categories, setCategories] = useState(initialState.categories);
- const [channels, setChannels] = useState(initialState.channels);
- const [proposals, setProposals] = useState(initialState.proposals);
- const [posts, setPosts] = useState(initialState.posts);
- const [threads, setThreads] = useState(initialState.threads);
- const [mints, setMints] = useState(initialState.mints);
- const [openings, setOpenings] = useState(initialState.openings);
- const [tokenomics, setTokenomics] = useState({});
- const [transactions, setTransactions] = useState([]);
- const [reports, setReports] = useState(initialState.reports);
- const [validators, setValidators] = useState(initialState.validators);
- const [nominators, setNominators] = useState(initialState.nominators);
- const [stashes, setStashes] = useState(initialState.stashes);
- const [stakes, setStakes] = useState(initialState.stakes);
- const [rewardPoints, setRewardPoints] = useState(initialState.rewardPoints);
- const [blocks, setBlocks] = useState(initialState.blocks);
- const [initialized, setInitialized] = useState(false);
- const childProps = {
- stars,
- editKpi,
- showStatus,
- hideFooter,
- members,
- connected,
- fetching,
- status,
- assets,
- providers,
- councils,
- council,
- election,
- workers,
- categories,
- channels,
- proposals,
- posts,
- threads,
- mints,
- openings,
- tokenomics,
- transactions,
- reports,
- validators,
- nominators,
- stashes,
- stakes,
- rewardPoints
- }
- // ----------------------------------------------
- // Loading progress
- // ----------------------------------------------
- const { data } = useElectedCouncils({});
- useEffect(() => {
- if (!data)
- return
- if (council && council.electionCycleId == data[0].electionCycleId)
- return
- console.log(`App.ts`, data)
- setCouncil(data[0])
- }, [data])
- useEffect(() => {
- loadData();
- joyApi();
- }, [])
- // ----------------------------------------------
- // Joystream Chain API
- // ----------------------------------------------
- const joyApi = () => {
- console.debug(`Connecting to ${wsLocation}`);
- const provider = new WsProvider(wsLocation);
- ApiPromise.create({ provider }).then(async (api) => {
- await api.isReady;
- console.log(`Connected to ${wsLocation}`);
- setConnected(true);
- // this.updateWorkingGroups(api);
- api.rpc.chain.subscribeNewHeads(async (header: Header) => {
- const id = header.number.toNumber();
- // period call per 1 min for updates
- const elapsedOneMin = id % 10 === 0;
- if (elapsedOneMin /*|| status.block.id + 10 < id*/) {
- updateStatus(api, id);
- }
- // if (blocks.find((b) => b.id === id))
- // return;
- // const timestamp = (await api.query.timestamp.now()).toNumber();
- // const duration = status.block
- // ? timestamp - status.block.timestamp
- // : 6000;
- // status.block = { id, timestamp, duration };
- // this.save("status", status);
- // blocks = blocks.filter((i) => i.id !== id).concat(status.block);
- // this.setState({ blocks });
- });
- });
- }
- const loadData = async () => {
- console.debug(`Loading data`)
- setStars(load("stars"))
- setEditKpi(load("editKpi"))
- setShowStatus(load("showStatus"))
- setHideFooter(load("hideFooter"))
- setMembers(load("members"))
- setConnected(load("connected"))
- setFetching(load("fetching"))
- setStatus(load("status"))
- setAssets(load("assets"))
- setProviders(load("providers"))
- setCouncils(load("councils"))
- setCouncil(load("council"))
- setElection(load("election"))
- setWorkers(load("workers"))
- setCategories(load("categories"))
- setChannels(load("channels"))
- setProposals(load("proposals"))
- setPosts(load("posts"))
- setThreads(load("threads"))
- setMints(load("mints"))
- setOpenings(load("openings"))
- setTokenomics(load("tokenomics"))
- setTransactions(load("transactions"))
- setReports(load("reports"))
- setValidators(load("validators"))
- setNominators(load("nominators"))
- setStashes(load("stashes"))
- setStakes(load("stakes"))
- setRewardPoints(load("rewardPoints"))
- // getTokenomics().then((tokenomics) => this.save(`tokenomics`, tokenomics));
- // bootstrap(this.save); // axios requests
- // this.updateCouncils();
- }
- // ---------------------------------------------------
- // Polkadot api functions
- // --------------------------------------------------
- const updateStatus = async (api: ApiPromise, id: number): Promise<any> => {
+interface IProps {}
+class App extends React.Component<IProps, IState> {
+ // initializeSocket() {
+ // socket.on("disconnect", () => setTimeout(this.initializeSocket, 1000));
+ // socket.on("connect", () => {
+ // if (!socket.id) return console.log("no websocket connection");
+ // console.log("my socketId:", socket.id);
+ // socket.emit("get posts", this.state.posts.length);
+ // });
+ // socket.on("posts", (posts: Post[]) => {
+ // console.log(`received ${posts.length} posts`);
+ // this.setState({ posts });
+ // });
+ // }
+ // sync via joystream-api
+ async updateStatus(api: ApiPromise, id: number): Promise<typeof Status> {
console.debug(`#${id}: Updating status`);
+ this.updateActiveProposals();
+ getMints(api).then((mints) => this.save(`mints`, mints));
+ getTokenomics().then((tokenomics) => this.save(`tokenomics`, tokenomics));
+ let { status, councils } = this.state;
+ status.election = await updateElection(api);
+ if (status.election?.stage) this.getElectionStatus(api);
+ councils.forEach((c) => {
+ if (c?.round > status.council) status.council = c;
+ });
- // updateActiveProposals();
- // getMints(api).then((mints) => {
- // setMints(mints)
- // save(`mints`, mints)
- // });
- // getTokenomics().then((tokenomics) => save(`tokenomics`, tokenomics));
- // let { status, councils } = this.state;
- // status.election = await updateElection(api);
- // if (status.election?.stage) getElectionStatus(api);
- // councils.forEach((c) => {
- // if (c?.round > status.council) status.council = c;
- // });
- // let hash: string = await api.rpc.chain.getBlockHash(1);
- // if (hash)
- // status.startTime = (await api.query.timestamp.now.at(hash)).toNumber();
+ let hash: string = await api.rpc.chain.getBlockHash(1);
+ if (hash)
+ status.startTime = (await api.query.timestamp.now.at(hash)).toNumber();
const nextMemberId = await await api.query.members.nextMemberId();
- // setMembers(nextMemberId - 1);
- setProposals(await get.proposalCount(api));
- setPosts(await get.currentPostId(api));
- setThreads(await get.currentThreadId(api));
- setCategories(await get.currentCategoryId(api));
- // status.proposalPosts = await api.query.proposalsDiscussion.postCount();
- await updateEra(api, status.era).then(async (era) => {
- let _status = {era: 0, lastReward:0, validatorStake: 0}
- _status.era = era;
- _status.lastReward = await getLastReward(api, era);
- _status.validatorStake = await getTotalStake(api, era);
- setStatus(_status)
- save("status", _status);
+ status.members = nextMemberId - 1;
+ status.proposals = await get.proposalCount(api);
+ status.posts = await get.currentPostId(api);
+ status.threads = await get.currentThreadId(api);
+ status.categories = await get.currentCategoryId(api);
+ status.proposalPosts = await api.query.proposalsDiscussion.postCount();
+ await this.updateEra(api, status.era).then(async (era) => {
+ status.era = era;
+ status.lastReward = await getLastReward(api, era);
+ status.validatorStake = await getTotalStake(api, era);
+ this.save("status", status);
+ });
+ return status;
+ }
+ async getElectionStatus(api: ApiPromise): Promise<IElectionState> {
+ getCouncilSize(api).then((councilSize) => {
+ let election = this.state.election;
+ election.councilSize = councilSize;
+ this.save("election", election);
+ });
+ getVotes(api).then((votes) => {
+ let election = this.state.election;
+ election.votes = votes;
+ this.save("election", election);
+ getCouncilApplicants(api).then((applicants) => {
+ let election = this.state.election;
+ election.applicants = applicants;
+ this.save("election", election);
+ });
+ }
- // return status;
- }
+ updateActiveProposals() {
+ const active = this.state.proposals.filter((p) => p.result === "Pending");
+ if (!active.length) return;
+ const s = active.length > 1 ? `s` : ``;
+ console.log(`Updating ${active.length} active proposal${s}`);
+ active.forEach(async (a) => {
+ const { data } = await axios.get(`${apiLocation}/v2/proposals/${a.id}`);
+ if (!data || data.error)
+ return console.error(`failed to fetch proposal from API`);
+ this.save(
+ "proposals",
+ this.state.proposals.map((p) => (p.id === a.id ? data : p))
+ );
+ });
+ }
- const updateEra = async (api: ApiPromise, old: number) => {
+ async updateEra(api: Api, old: number) {
+ const { status, validators } = this.state;
const era = Number(await api.query.staking.currentEra());
- if (era === old)
- return era;
+ if (era === old) return era;
+ this.updateWorkingGroups(api);
+ this.updateValidatorPoints(api, status.era);
+ if (era > status.era || !validators.length) this.updateValidators(api);
+ return era;
+ }
- // this.updateWorkingGroups(api);
- updateValidatorPoints(api, era);
- if (era > status.era || !validators.length)
- updateValidators(api);
+ async updateWorkingGroups(api: ApiPromise) {
+ const { members, openings, workers } = this.state;
+ updateWorkers(api, workers, members).then((workers) => {
+ this.save("workers", workers);
+ updateOpenings(api, openings, members).then((openings) =>
+ this.save("openings", openings)
+ );
+ });
+ return this.save("council", await api.query.council.activeCouncil());
+ }
- return era;
+ updateValidators(api: ApiPromise) {
+ getValidators(api).then((validators) => {
+ this.save("validators", validators);
+ getNominators(api).then((nominators) => {
+ this.save("nominators", nominators);
+ getStashes(api).then((stashes) => {
+ this.save("stashes", stashes);
+ const { status, members } = this.state;
+ const { era } = status;
+ getValidatorStakes(api, era, stashes, members, this.save).then(
+ (stakes) => this.save("stakes", stakes)
+ );
+ });
+ });
+ });
- const updateValidatorPoints = async (api: ApiPromise, currentEra: number) => {
- let points = rewardPoints;
+ async updateValidatorPoints(api: ApiPromise, currentEra: number) {
+ let points = this.state.rewardPoints;
const updateTotal = (eraTotals) => {
let total = 0;
@@ -270,56 +171,150 @@ const App = (props: {}) => {
for (let era = currentEra; era > currentEra - historyDepth; --era) {
- if (era < 0 || (era < currentEra && points.eraTotals[era]))
- continue;
- const eraPoints = await getEraRewardPoints(api, era);
- points.eraTotals[era] = eraPoints.total;
- Object.keys(eraPoints.individual).forEach((validator: string) => {
- if (!points.validators[validator]) points.validators[validator] = {};
- points.validators[validator][era] = eraPoints.individual[validator];
+ if (era < currentEra && points.eraTotals[era]) continue;
+ getEraRewardPoints(api, era).then((eraPoints) => {
+ console.debug(`era ${era}: ${eraPoints.total} points`);
+ points.eraTotals[era] = eraPoints.total;
+ points.total = updateTotal(points.eraTotals);
+ Object.keys(eraPoints.individual).forEach((validator: string) => {
+ if (!points.validators[validator]) points.validators[validator] = {};
+ points.validators[validator][era] = eraPoints.individual[validator];
+ });
+ this.save("rewardPoints", points);
+ }
- points.total = updateTotal(points.eraTotals);
- console.debug(`Reward Points: ${points.total} points`);
+ async updateCouncils() {
+ queryJstats(`v1/councils`).then((councils) => {
+ this.save(`councils`, councils);
- setRewardPoints(points);
- save("rewardPoints", points);
+ // TODO OPTIMIZE find max round
+ let council = { round: 0 };
+ councils.forEach((c) => {
+ if (c.round > council.round) council = c;
+ });
+ let { status } = this.state;
+ status.council = council; // needed by dashboard
+ this.save("status", status);
+ });
+ }
+ // interface interactions
+ toggleStar(account: string) {
+ let { stars } = this.state;
+ stars[account] = !stars[account];
+ this.save("stars", stars);
- const updateValidators = (api: ApiPromise) => {
- getValidators(api).then((validators) => {
+ toggleEditKpi(editKpi) {
+ this.setState({ editKpi });
+ }
+ toggleShowStatus() {
+ this.setState({ showStatus: !this.state.showStatus });
+ }
+ toggleFooter() {
+ this.setState({ hideFooter: !this.state.hideFooter });
+ }
+ getMember(handle: string) {
+ const { members } = this.state;
+ const member = members.find((m) => m.handle === handle);
+ if (member) return member;
+ return members.find((m) => m.rootKey === handle);
+ }
+ render() {
+ const { connected, fetching, loading, hideFooter } = this.state;
+ if (loading) return <Loading />;
+ return (
+ <>
+ <Routes
+ toggleEditKpi={this.toggleEditKpi}
+ toggleFooter={this.toggleFooter}
+ toggleStar={this.toggleStar}
+ getMember={this.getMember}
+ {...this.state}
+ />
+ <Modals
+ toggleEditKpi={this.toggleEditKpi}
+ toggleShowStatus={this.toggleShowStatus}
+ {...this.state}
+ />
+ <Footer show={!hideFooter} toggleHide={this.toggleFooter} />
+ <Status
+ toggleShowStatus={this.toggleShowStatus}
+ connected={connected}
+ fetching={fetching}
+ />
+ </>
+ );
+ }
+ async getStakesForValidators(api: ApiPromise) {
+ const era = Number(await api.query.staking.currentEra());
+ console.log('Era: ', era);
+ // added by mkblockchaindev
+ let validation = {count: 0, minted: 0, stakes: 0}
+ validation.count = await getCountForValidators(api);
+ validation.minted = await getTotalMinted(api);
+ validation.stakes = await getTotalStake(api, era);
+ this.save("validation", validation);
+ // await this.updateValidatorPoints(api, era);
+ // await this.updateValidators(api);
+ // console.log('LastReward', await getLastReward(api, era));
+ // console.log('getTotalStake', await getTotalStake(api, era));
+ }
+ // startup from bottom up
+ joyApi() {
+ console.debug(`Connecting to ${wsLocation}`);
+ const provider = new WsProvider(wsLocation);
+ ApiPromise.create({ provider/*, types*/ }).then(async (api) => {
+ await api.isReady;
+ console.log(`Connected to ${wsLocation}`);
- setValidators(validators);
- save("validators", validators);
+ this.setState({ connected: true });
+ // this.updateWorkingGroups(api);
- getNominators(api).then((nominators) => {
- setNominators(nominators);
- save("nominators", nominators);
+ // For getting Reward
+ await this.getStakesForValidators(api);
+ api.rpc.chain.subscribeNewHeads(async (header: Header) => {
+ let { blocks, status } = this.state;
+ const id = header.number.toNumber();
- getStashes(api).then((stashes) => {
- setStashes(stashes);
- save("stashes", stashes);
+ // console.log(`api.rpc.chain.subscribeNewHeads: ${id}`)
- const { era } = status;
- getValidatorStakes(api, era, stashes, members, save).then(
- (stakes) => {
- setStakes(stakes)
- save("stakes", stakes)
- }
- );
- });
+ const isEven = id / 50 === Math.floor(id / 50);
+ if (isEven || status.block?.id + 50 < id) {
+ this.updateStatus(api, id);
+ }
+ if (blocks.find((b) => b.id === id)) return;
+ const timestamp = (await api.query.timestamp.now()).toNumber();
+ const duration = status.block
+ ? timestamp - status.block.timestamp
+ : 6000;
+ status.block = { id, timestamp, duration };
+ this.save("status", status);
+ blocks = blocks.filter((i) => i.id !== id).concat(status.block);
+ this.setState({ blocks });
- // Save & Load data to local storage
- const save = (key: string, data: any) => {
+ save(key: string, data: any) {
+ this.setState({ [key]: data });
const value = JSON.stringify(data);
try {
localStorage.setItem(key, value);
@@ -330,77 +325,47 @@ const App = (props: {}) => {
return data;
- const load = (key: string) => {
+ load(key: string) {
try {
const data = localStorage.getItem(key);
if (!data) return;
const size = data.length;
if (size > 10240)
console.debug(` -${key}: ${(size / 1024).toFixed(1)} KB`);
+ this.setState({ [key]: JSON.parse(data) });
return JSON.parse(data);
} catch (e) {
console.warn(`Failed to load ${key}`, e);
- }
- // Trigger functions
- const toggleStar = (account: string) => {
- let temp = stars;
- temp[account] = !temp[account];
- setStars(temp);
- save("stars", temp);
- const toggleEditKpi = (_editKpi: boolean) => {
- setEditKpi(_editKpi);
+ async loadData() {
+ console.debug(`Loading data`);
+ "status members assets providers councils council election workers categories channels proposals posts threads mints openings tokenomics transactions reports validators nominators staches stakes rewardPoints stars"
+ .split(" ")
+ .map((key) => this.load(key));
+ getTokenomics().then((tokenomics) => this.save(`tokenomics`, tokenomics));
+ bootstrap(this.save); // axios requests
+ this.updateCouncils();
- const toggleShowStatus = () => {
- setShowStatus(!showStatus);
- }
- const toggleFooter = () => {
- setHideFooter(!hideFooter);
+ componentDidMount() {
+ // this.loadData(); // local storage + bootstrap
+ this.joyApi(); // joystream rpc connection
+ //this.initializeSocket() // jsstats socket.io
- const getMember = (handle: string) => {
- const member = members.find((m) => m.handle === handle);
- if (member) return member;
- return members.find((m) => m.rootKey === handle);
+ constructor(props: IProps) {
+ super(props);
+ this.state = initialState;
+ this.save = this.save.bind(this);
+ this.load = this.load.bind(this);
+ this.toggleEditKpi = this.toggleEditKpi.bind(this);
+ this.toggleStar = this.toggleStar.bind(this);
+ this.toggleFooter = this.toggleFooter.bind(this);
+ this.toggleShowStatus = this.toggleShowStatus.bind(this);
+ this.getMember = this.getMember.bind(this);
- // const { connected, fetching, loading, hideFooter } = this.state;
- // if (loading)
- // return <Loading />;
- return (
- <>
- <Routes
- toggleEditKpi={toggleEditKpi}
- toggleFooter={toggleFooter}
- toggleStar={toggleStar}
- getMember={getMember}
- {...childProps}
- />
- <Modals
- toggleEditKpi={toggleEditKpi}
- toggleShowStatus={toggleShowStatus}
- {...childProps}
- />
- <Footer show={!hideFooter} toggleHide={toggleFooter} />
- <Status
- toggleShowStatus={toggleShowStatus}
- connected={connected}
- fetching={fetching}
- />
- </>
- );
export default App;