# Atlas Cloudflare Worker This repository contains code for deploying a [Cloudflare Worker](https://developers.cloudflare.com/workers/) that can be used to enable social previews generation for an Atlas instance. For an overview of this feature, see [a section in docs](../../docs/overview.md#meta-tags-pre-rendering). Cloudflare Worker can act as an entrypoint, as an alternative to Nginx config provided in `ci/` directory, that will redirect social media crawlers to an instance of `atlas-meta-server`. **Deploying:** ```bash # install Wrangler (CF Workers CLI) yarn global add @cloudflare/wrangler # login via your Cloudflare account wrangler login # find out your account ID wrangler whoami # at this point you will need to update `account_id` entry in wrangler.toml # deploy to production wrangler publish --env production ```