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fixed TnC step in YPP modal

Artem преди 1 година

+ 1 - 51

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 import { FC } from 'react'
-import { SvgTierIcon1, SvgTierIcon2, SvgTierIcon3 } from '@/assets/icons'
 import { MarkdownPreview } from '@/components/MarkdownPreview'
-import { Text } from '@/components/Text'
 import { atlasConfig } from '@/config'
-import { MultiplierText, TierItem } from './YppAuthorizationTermsAndConditionsStep.styles'
 export const YppAuthorizationTermsAndConditionsStep: FC = () => {
   const tnc = atlasConfig.features.ypp.legal.yppTnC
-  const groups = [...tnc.matchAll(/(.+)(## Tiers Multiplier.+)(## Example Rewards Calculation.+)/gs)][0]
-  const [_, beforeTM, __, afterTM] = groups
-  return (
-    <div>
-      {beforeTM && <MarkdownPreview markdown={beforeTM} />}
-      <Text variant="t300-strong" as="h3" margin={{ bottom: 2 }}>
-        Tiers Multiplier
-      </Text>
-      <Text variant="t300" as="p" color="colorText">
-        Based on the YouTube channel followers count, a popularity Tier is assigned to each participant. Popularity tier
-        results in multiplication effect on all rewards of the programme.
-      </Text>
-      <TierItem>
-        <SvgTierIcon1 />
-        <Text variant="t300-strong" as="span">
-          Tier 1:
-        </Text>{' '}
-        <Text variant="t300" as="span" color="colorText">
-          {'<'}5K subscribers
-        </Text>
-        <MultiplierText variant="t300" as="span">
-          1x
-        </MultiplierText>
-        <SvgTierIcon2 />
-        <Text variant="t300-strong" as="span">
-          Tier 2:
-        </Text>{' '}
-        <Text variant="t300" as="span" color="colorText">
-          5K-50K subscribers
-        </Text>
-        <MultiplierText variant="t300" as="span">
-          2.5x
-        </MultiplierText>
-        <SvgTierIcon3 />
-        <Text variant="t300-strong" as="span">
-          Tier 3:
-        </Text>{' '}
-        <Text variant="t300" as="span" color="colorText">
-          {'>'}50K subscribers
-        </Text>
-        <MultiplierText variant="t300" as="span">
-          5x
-        </MultiplierText>
-      </TierItem>
-      {afterTM && <MarkdownPreview markdown={afterTM} />}
-    </div>
-  )
+  return <MarkdownPreview markdown={tnc} />